Check-in: Preferred Pharmacy

Check-in: Preferred Pharmacy

Selecting your default method for picking up prescriptions.

How it works

  • Step 1

    Book an appointment with one of our 70+ qualified providers.

  • Step 2

    Download the app on Android or iOS and log in with the email you used to book your appointment. You will be prompted to create a password to secure your account.

  • Step 3

    During check in, you will be asked to select your preferred pharmacy. You can search by address and/or pharmacy name to find the one that works for you. You can also tap the blue arrow icon in the address field to search by your current location.

  • Step 4

    Any time your provider prescribes a medication, they will confirm that your preferred pharmacy is still the best location to send your prescription.

  • Step 5

    To change your preferred pharmacy, tap the settings icon in the top right corner of any of the four main pages of the mobile app.

Important note

You must answer the questions honestly. If we receive a non-honest assessment of your current or previous health, it could lead to improper diagnosis and your termination as a patient.