Check-in: Questionnaires

Check-in: Questionnaires

Making sure that your time with your provider is spent talking about your unique situation, not filling out paperwork.

For some appointment types, there are standardized questionnaires (like the GAD7 and PHQ9) that must be filled out to ensure proper treatment. By allowing our patients to complete these questionnaires ahead of time, rather than during the appointment, we can make sure the provider has all the information they need to make a proper diagnosis and to create the best possible treatment plan.

How it works

  • Step 1

    Book an appointment for ADHD with one of our 70+ qualified providers.

  • Step 2

    Download the app on Android or iOS and log in with the email you used to book your appointment. You will be prompted to create a password to secure your account.

  • Step 3

    Complete the steps to check in. After confirming insurance and contact information, setting up appointment reminders, and enterring your prefferred pharmacy, you will be prompted to answer 3 questionnaires.

  • Step 4

    Your answers are sent to your provider to be reviewed before your appointment.

  • Step 5

    Receive delightful primary care from your Circle Medical provider.

Important note

You must answer the questions honestly. If we receive a non-honest assessment of your current or previous health, it could lead to improper diagnosis and your termination as a patient.